HSC | English 2nd Paper | Most Common Composition Writing 26-30
HSC | English 2nd Paper | Most Common Composition Writing 26-30: Today I will discuss the most important Composition Writing in HSC exam from English 2nd paper.
26. Importance of Reading Newspapers
[S. B. 2014]
Newspaper is called the mirror of the world and reading newspaper means having a grasp over the happenings all over the world. In this age of information technology, we have access to a number of mass media. But, none of them is comparable to newspaper because reading newspaper has a number of benefits.
The most important thing about reading newspaper is that it takes us to a store house of knowledge. It adds to our general knowledge and keeps us up-to-date. It broadens our mind and outlook. Secondly, newspaper gives us deeper insight into an event than other media do. We can read an article of a newspaper in a leisurely fashion as many time as we like.
Thirdly, reading newspaper is never boring. It is because newspaper covers a variety of interesting topics appealing to reader of all tastes. If we go through a daily newspaper, we can get knowledge about current news, business, sports, education, literature, entertainment, fashion, food and so on. Fourthly, reading newspaper is the proper utilization of our time because it gives us both pleasure and knowledge.
More importantly, from newspaper we learn easily and quickly as it is both pleasing and practical. Fifthly, reading newspaper sharpens our reading habit. This helps in our academic development. Finally, reading newspaper is not like reading and believing. We read something on the newspaper, use our judgment and, then, take decision whether to believe that or not.
So, our critic mind is always involved in the process. As a result, reading newspaper develops our ability of criticism. The importance of reading newspaper can never be overstated. It is a unique gift of modern civilization and we must take our benefit out of it.
- HSC | English 2nd Paper | Important Composition Writing 1-5
- HSC | English 2nd Paper | Important Composition Writing 6-10
27. Physical Exercise
Physical exercise means the regular movement of the limbs of our body according to rules. It is essential to keep our body fit and mind sound. Physical exercise is of various kinds. Good forms of exercise are walking, swimming, riding, racing, rowing, gymnastics wrestling and playing many outdoor and indoor games.
All forms of exercise are not suitable for all men. If a weak man takes part in a football game or hockey, he will get tired. It does no good to him. Those who are strong and stout can take all forms of exercise. On the other hand those who are weak can not take all forms of exercise. Walking is the best kind of exercise for all in all circumstances. It is of special use to the weak and the old.
Walking in the morning and evening refreshes our body and mind. It also enables a man to enjoy the scenic beauty of nature. Swimming is also a good exercise. It strengthens all the limbs of ou body. Gymnastic exercises are not suited to people of all ages. The weak and the old cannot stand young, students the strains of gymnastic exercises.
Gymnastic exercises are best suited to the members of well organised clubs. Riding, racing, rowing, wrestling, indoor and outdoor and games offer simple opportunity for the exercise of our body. Among all forms of exercise swimming and walking are the best because they cost nothing.
An oft-quoted poverb goes that a sound mind lives in a sound body. Mere acquisition of knowledge without sound health is of no use to society. There lies a close connection between body and the mind. If the body is unsound, the mind must be unsound. We can not think of a sound mind without a sound health. It is physical exercise which enables us to build a good health which is the key to success.
There are many people who do not take physical exercise. They can hardly realize that they themselves are ruining their health. They fall victim to many diseases. Life becomes dull to them.They are always peevish and ill tempered.
It needs no telling the importance of physical exercise. We build good health and sound mind through physical exercise. Physical exercise makes our body active and the muscles strong. It also habits are formed through outdoor games. It teaches us unity, patience, obedience, discipline and improves our power of digestion and blood circulation. It gives strength to our brain. Many good punctuality.
- HSC | English 2nd Paper | Important Composition Writing 11-15
- HSC | English 2nd Paper | Important Composition Writing 16-20
- HSC | English 2nd Paper | Important Composition Writing 21-25
28. Discipline
Discipline comes from the latin word “dicipulus” which means disciple. A disciple obeys his regulation of human conduct. preceptors at the cost of his own life. So, discipline is obedience to the rules formed for the regulation of human conduct. From the heaven above to the earth below, discipline reigns supreme. The earth, the moon and the stars move around the sun not by fits and stars but according to certain rules.
Even the lower animals are disciplined. The life of the bees in a hive is very disciplined. All the bees obey the queen bees. Ants are also disciplined. They lead their life in a disciplined way. In every house there is a sort of government. All the members of the house obey the rules of the family. A disciplined family leads a happy and healthy life.
Discipline is found in human body. The various organs of the body co-operate with one another and are disciplined for the growth and development of the whole body. Discipline is strictly maintained in games and sports. A player has to show respect to the decision of the referee. Here a player sacrifices his petty selfishness to the greater interest of the team.
Discipline is more necessary in the army. It is the part and parcel in the army. Here’s moment’s hasitation may mean death. Difficulty, danger, nay death can not deter a soldier from carrying out the orders of his commanders though they may be unjust and wrong.
There’s not to make reply.
There’s not to reason why.
There’s but to do and die.
A small disciplined army can overthrow a strong indisciplined army. It is the educational institutions from where man learns discipline. A student has to observe the rules of the institute. He has also to obey the orders of his superiors, show respect to his teachers. If he fails to maintain a disciplined life, he is sure to repent and his position will be nowhere.
In any organization social, political, religious, economic and educational discipline is essential for its growth and development. Discipline is necessary for a state, nay for a whole nation for its prosperity and development. Discipline is a precious treasure for the growth of whole human society. Life without discipline means life full of chaos and anarchy.
29. Tree Plantation [Dnj. B. 2012]
Since the dawn of civilization man has a close relation with nature. Man has made friendship with nature. Nature helps us in many ways. Similarly trees are closely related with our life. They are our friends. Trees play an important role in our life and economy.
Bangladesh is a lower reparian country. Upper levels are the best suitable places to plant trees. Sea beaches and low-lying unused lands can be used for tree plantation. There are many roads and highways in our country. We can plant trees on the both sides of these roads and highways. Again in the villages there are many proper places which can be used for tree plantation. The sides and areas that are lying unused can be used too.
The officers connected with this programme should take proper June and July are the best time for tree plantation. Tree plantation programme should be expanded steps and needful measures to make it a success. They should try to make it popular all over the country. They should come forward with their best knowledge. Most of the people of our village are illiterate. They have no knowledge about the importance of trees. Attempt should be made to make them aware of the importance of trees.
Tree are our best friends. They are a great source of food and vitamins. There are various kinds of fruit trees. They give us various kinds of fruits which are rich in food value and vitamins. They meet up our local demands. They also meet up our vitamin deficiency. As a result people can keep their body fit and sound by taking fruits. Again we export fruits to many other countries and earn a lot of foreign exchange.
Trees are our constant companies in our day to day life. We use them for various purposes. We can not think of our homes, houses, residence etc. without trees. We use trees to make furniture, windows, doors for our domestic use. Again valuable furniture is made from these trees. We sell some pieces of valuable furniture to foreign countries. Thus trees add beauty to our dwelling places.
Trees bear a great impact on the climate. If we destroy trees at random, one day the country will will be no rain and as a result the country will face a great crisis because ours is an agricultural turn into a great desert. The country will bear the consequences of green house effect. Again there country and our economy is dependent on agriculture. Again our agriculture is dependent on rain So trees play a vital role on our climate. Trees keep, the soil strong. Trees save us from flood and many other natural calamities.
It is needless to speak the importance of trees. It is not possible to describe the importance and uses of trees in words. They are part and parcel in our day to day life. We can not think of our existence without them.
Rabindranath says ‘Back thy forest, take your town. “Our government has also launched a massive and ambitious programme regarding tree plantation. We should not use and destroy trees at random. Rather we should plant trees more and for a better happier and healthier life.
30. Deforestation
Deforestation means cutting down of trees in large number. In the name of modernization, man is cutting down trees in great numbers that has led to the destruction of great forests and the lives of many animals and plant species. We fail to realize that trees are the most important aspects of our planet and the existence of tress plays a vital role.
Trees are our constant companies in our day to day life. We use them for various purposes. We can not think of our homes, houses, residence etc. without trees. We use trees to make furniture, windows, doors for our domestic use. Again valuable furniture is made from these trees. We sell some pieces of valuable furniture to foreign countries. Thus trees add beauty to our dwelling places. But nowadays people are cutting down trees indiscriminately.
The causes of deforestation are many. Bangladesh is the most densely populated country in the world. Its population is much more in proportion to its area. This huge number of population needs more shelter, agricultural land, fuel, furniture etc. For all these reasons people cut trees. Moreover there are some dishonest people who cut trees in our forests to make money.
The effects of deforestation are too many to describe. This destruction distrubs our ecological balance. The existence of animals are going to be threatened. Due to deforestation carbon dioxide is increasing worldwide. As a result, the world is becoming warmer. The sea level is rising and many parts of the world is going to be engulfed by the sea in recent future. On the other hand, new areas of the world are turning into deserts as a result of deforestation.
The removal of trees causes birds and other animals living on them to leave the place. It also causes serious damage to the soil, as trees give portection to soil as well. In the end, the soil gets sediment in the river bed and causes frequent floods. So, if we destroy trees at random, one day the country will turn into a great desert. All living animals and birds will not find any food or shelter to live in.
They will be destroyed. There will be no rain and as a result our agriculture will face a great crisis. The temperature will rise and it will cause green house effect. The country will be unsuitable for living and various natural calamities like flood, drought, storm etc. will visit our country.
As tiny drops of water makes the mighty ocean, we as individuals should take small steps to preserve the nature and make it’s a greener world for the coming generations. We should remember. trees give us life and without them, it gets difficult for us to sustain.
Seriously can we imagine a world without trees? No, definitely not. So we must all join hands to prevent deforestation, each in our little way.
Our trees are our legacy given to us by our ancestors. So this is our responsibility to protect the trees for the welfare of the human beings. Immediate measures should be taken to prevent deforestation. People should be made aware of tree plantation through mass media. Tree plantation programme should be extended throughout the country.
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