HSC | English 2nd Paper | Important Composition Writing 6-10
HSC | English 2nd Paper | Important Composition Writing 6-10 : Hello dear HSC students, hope everyone is well. Composition Writing is very important in English second paper for HSC candidates. So today I will discuss the most important Composition Writing in HSC exam from English 2nd paper.
6. Importance of Learning English
English is a global language. For various reasons English has got the status of International Language. In today’s world of information technology and hi-tech communication, learning English is a must.
The present age is an age of globalization. Anything produced or invented in any part of the world gets global character or recognition very rapidly. To keep pace with the process of globalization, we need to learn English. Conversely, the globalizing process requires single language for international communication. For various reasons English has achieved the prestige of global language. Today about 300 million people speak English as the first language and another 350 million use it as a second language.
It is the official or semi-official language in more than 60 countries and of many international organiations. International organizations held their meeting in English. English is widely spoken all over the world. When people of two different language meet or need to communicate, they resort to a third language for better mutual communication and understanding. English, for its widespread use and acceptance, plays the role of the common language well. That is why English is called Lingua Franca or common language.
English is used widely by international business community. To communicate across national borders and to maintain correspondence with overseas business parties or professionals, English is essential. English is important for higher education and specialized training. Most of the books on any subjects are written in English or quickly translated in English. English is the medium of instruction in Education in most universities and higher education institutes of the world.
English is essential for getting a good job and better salaries. Multinational business organizations and many international corporations ask for people who have a good working knowledge of English. Even job advertisements in local market also require English knowing people. English is important for maintaining international relations and communication. It is the language of diplomacy, international politics and meetings and conferences.
In today’s world of information superhighway, English is essential for getting easy access to any information. Almost any information is available in English. English is the language of information technology and internet. English is important for access to world media and Entertainment. Satellite channels around the world telecast. news and views in English. Games and sports are telecast. live and their commentaries are also broadcasted in English. Cinemas, cartoons, and other media productions are available in English.
Knowing English gives an easy access to the vast resource of English literature. World’s famous books, novels, histories, stories, poems are available in English. Besides, English helps to know about cultures of other people, discoveries, inventions and life styles of other nations. The importance of English cannot be denied. Knowing English is like having an international visa. Anywhere in the world English is useful and helpful. So, learning English is very important.
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7. Charms of City Life
City life has more advantages than its disadvantages. That is why city life is always charming. also attracts people from other areas, particularly from villages. There are certain charms or attractions that make city life enjoyable, comfortable and desirable. City life is furnished with modern facilities and also lots of better opportunities. City provides a fast and dynamic life, better earning scopes, improved medical facilities, advanced mode of transport and communication, better education, good sanitation and other services, recreational and cultural varieties, and most of all, better opportunities for job, business and trade.
City life is racy and pacy. A city has good road networks and rapid mode of transport and communication system. So city dwellers can move easily and quickly; and can keep pace with the rest of the world. Automobiles and private cars, buses and trucks, trains and airliners, telephones and internets, all faster means of communication and transport have made city life faster, easier, and more comfortable. They have saved both time and money of the city dwellers and reduced their troubles and hazards.
City has many good educational institutions. So city dwellers get better scopes of education here. Almost all the good schools, colleges, universities and other specialized institutions are situated in cities. Besides, a city has good educational resources and environment. Educational institutions in a city are better staffed, well equipped and better administrated. Also, there are libraries, art- galleries, museums, literary and intellectual societies and organisations that contribute to widening learners’ knowledge, skill and experience, outlook and faculty power.
A city provides good medical facilities. Highly skilled and experienced doctors are available in cities. Good hospitals and clinics, diagnostic centres and other medical facilities are also available in a city.
Cities are hub of trade and commerical activities. There are mills and factories, shopping malls and supermarkets, banks and govt. and non-govt. offices. So a city offers good job opportunities and bussiness facilities. In fact, cities provide opportunities for economic and commerical growth. Generally, cities are furnished with parks, clubs, zoo, museums, theatres and cinema halls, and different types of attractive places. City dwellers visit these places and spend their free time to get enjoyment and pleasure. Besides, different cultural organisations arrange variety of programmes all the year round. These are a good source of joy and recreation for city dwellers. There are lots of interesting things to do and places to see. City people also enjoy eating out in fine hotels and restaurants.
City life offers better living conditions. The roads and streets are clean. It has good sanitation, and garbage management system. It has also supply of pure drinking water. City dwellers enjoy electricity, gas, telephone and other urban and modern facilities provided by city authorities or other service providers. In cities, supply of foods and other goods are better and more than rural areas. Almost anything can be found in city’s markets or shops at any time. So city has better living conditions and environment.
City life is full of hustle and bustle, noise and activity but it is also full of excitement and variety. Of course, city life has certain draw backs. But the opportunities and amenities, charms and attractions invite us to live in a city. City life is particularly appealing to young people because it offers them good earning and spending sources, it provides them with opportunities to develop their career, and pursue their dreams. So city life is always wished for!
8. Globalization [D.B. 2010]
Globalization has become a buzzword in the new era of international politics and relations. In fact, globalization is a concept inherent in the New World after the end of the World War II by the big and powerful nations. Gloablization is related to free market economy which means free movement of goods, services, people and information across the national borders.
Globalization is basically an economic concept. It has evolved from late capitalism. Globalization aims at ‘globalizing’ capital and goods. That is, globalization is a process of expanding trade and commerce increasing the flow of capital and commodities all over the world by creating a borderless market.
Globalization is now on a strong foundation. The development of hi-tech communication system and rapid transportation facilities has turned the world into a village, popularly termed as global village. The countries of the world are now like families in a village. The barrier of land and space has been removed. As a result, we can now learn in an instant what is happening in the farthest corner of the world. We can also travel to any part of the world in the shortest possible time. The use of computer, mobile and satellite networks, internet and other information technology has brought the whole world in our drawing room or office room.
Globalization has opened up a new horizon of tremendous possibilities for the nations of the world. Countires of the world are very closer to each other. They can share their views and ideas, knowledge, information and techonology. They even can stand by the distressed nations instantly. The process of globalization has made the whole world a free and huge market of goods and services. The inhabitants of the whole world are the consumers of the products. A product produced in one country is quickly marketted all over the world and thus available anywhere in the globe. So, globalization has increased trade, and commerce, flow of capital money, investment, movement of people and workers all over the world.
Nothing is an unmixed blessing. Globalization has a far reaching and profound impact on many aspects of life. Globalization has challanged and risked traditional notion. It has been claimed that underdeveloped nations. Because, agro-based, technologically backword and poor countries are no globalization widening the gap between rich and poor, between develop and developing or match for industrially developed, technologically advanced, powerful nations. Globalization aims as widening market for capital and goods, but at the same time it ensures maximum profit for the capitalists and investors. In this case, the poor and underdeveopled nations are lagging behind in the competition of market.
Capital does not flow alone. With capital and goods, ideas and value, culture and power all move. Thus, globalization is now being seen as a cultural and ideological assault on the developing nations. Critics of globalization assert that globalization has ended racial, cultural and liaguistic varieties and distinction of the nations of the world imposing the ideas, values, social customs of the western world over other nations.
English has become global language threatening the existence of minor languages of the world. In fact, globalization has tremendous impact, sometime slow and unnoticed, but steady and powerful, over the life-style, food habit, clothes, education, sports and culture and many other aspects of the global people.
Globalization has both prospects and pitfalls. If the nations of the world can create an atmosphere of cooperation, peace and solidarity, every nation can be benefited from the process of globalization. They can fight together global problems like poverty, illiteracy, aids, war and conflicts, terrorism and also work together in solving the problems of over-population, hunger and environmental pollution or global warming. The globe then would be better place for everybody.
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9. The Library and its Uses
Library is a room or building containing books for reading or reference. In general sense, however, the emphasis is on the collection of books, whether stationed under a roof or not.
Libraries are divisble into three kinds-personal, public and institutional. The first type implies individual ownership and exclusive right of access. A private person of sufficient means, both out of thirst for reading and fashion, may collect a series of books on different subjects and place them in a corner of his residence or office. Such a collection is called his library.
The second type, that is, public library is the order of the day. It is to be seen in large number in every country. A public library, by its nature, is open to the public in general. The third of the kind is the institutional library, as it may be called, because it is maintained by some institution-a college, a university, a trade union, a chambers of commerce or a government department. Such a library is open to the members of the institution concerned.
It is never possible to describe the uses of library in full. Man needs to read as direly as he needs to eat. Reading not only strengthens his knowledge but also preserves his mental health and thus keeps him fit for the struggle of life. But none except a few can buy all the books he must read. As for the students and teachers, their occupational pursuits would be badly affected without the library maintained by their respective institutions. Gradually, with the growth of the habit of reading, the reader develops the instinct of possessing at least some of the worthy books which leads him to the book-shop.
In consideration of these and other uses of the library, every nation aiming at the enrichment of its civilization should treat the organization of libraries with a high degree of attention. In short, an out drive should be launched upon to build up in the country a net-work of libraries and make arrangement of financial assistance that they may not be closed down in future for want of funds.
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10. Birds of Bangladesh [B. B. 2009, C.B. 2014]
Our dear Bangladesh is a beautiful country. It is a land of forests and trees, hills and vales, rivers, marshes and canals, wide open meadows. It has got a moderate climate-neither too hot nor too cold. So this land is a happy abode of different kinds of birds. Birds have increased the beauty of our country. We sleep at night and rise early in the morning hearing the sweet song of different birds.
There are different types of birds in our country. They are different in colour, size and habit. They eat different kinds of food. Some birds eat fish and flesh, some live on warms and insects, some on fruits and grains, some on filth and garbages. Birds are divided into many classes. They are teasing birds, song birds, rapacious birds, game birds, migratory birds and tailor birds.
Crows and kites are teasing birds. The crow is a very common bird in Bangladesh. It is very clever. It steals away the food and other small things from our kitchen and from the hands of the little babies. It looks ugly. Yet it is useful. It feeds on dead animals and dirty things. It has a harsh voice. The kite also steals away chickens, fish and pieces of flesh.
There are many song birds in Bangladesh. The cuckoo is the most popular of all song birds. It comes to our country at the biginning of spring. Small boys and girls try to imitate a cuckoo when it sings. It hides itself behind leaves. The shyma, the doel, the koel and the baukatha-kao, the nightingale are well known song birds. Doel is our national bird.
The parrot, the mayna, the chandana, the cockatoo and the martin are called talking birds. People tame them for their sweet voice and they can talk like human beings if they are trained. There are many game birds in our country. They are famous for their tasty flesh. The partridge, the dove, the pigeon, the snipe, the bittern, the heron, the teal, and the pankauri are most well known game birds.
There are some fish eating birds that live beside the watery places. They eat small fish. The crane, the heron and the kingfisher are fish eating birds.
There are some birds of prey in our country. They are the vulture and the hawk. They mainly live on flesh and fish. These birds have keen eyes and sharp nail. They swoop down upon their prey. The vulture eats upon dead animals.
There are some birds that build their nests with great skill. We wonder at their work. They are called tailor birds. The swallow, the tuntuni and the babui are tailor birds. There are some birds that come out at night. They are called night-birds. The owl and the bat are of this kind. These birds do not come out in broad daylight. We hear the owl prowl at night. It is harmless. The bat feeds on fruits. It flies at night.
Many birds come from foreign land in our country during autumn and winter. They are also famous for their flesh. They increase the natural beauty of our country for the time being. There are many other common birds which we find here and there. We do not know the name of many birds. The wood pecker is a fine looking bird. It makes hole in the tree. Pea-cock is also a beautiful bird.
The pigeon, the hen, the cock and the duck are domestic birds. They provide us with flesh and eggs. Many families in our country make poultry farm and earn a lot of money. Birds are our natural wealth. They are helpful and useful to us in many ways. They do many good to us. Birds eat many dirty things and keep the environment clean. Therefore, we should not kill birds at random and we should take proper care of them.
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