
HSC | English 2nd Paper | Most Common Report Writing 1-30

HSC | English 2nd Paper | Most Common Report Writing 1-30 :  I will discuss the Most Common important Report Writing in HSC exam from English 2nd paper.

1.Suppose you are a reporter of a national daily. Make a report on “Hartal”. 

Hartal and its effect

Staff Reporter, Dhaka, Nov. 26, 2014:

Though hartal is a political weapon its frequent use in Bangladesh creates a lot of demerits. It is well known that Bangladesh is a democratic country. The political culture in Bangladesh is democratic. Democracy always upholds the people’s right. In this sense, hartal is a right to the people. To establish the people’s right, political parties call hartal. The people of Bangladesh have much experience of hartal. There are a lot of demerits of hartal. The common people are the worst sufferers of it. On a hartal day vehicles cannot move. As a result, people cannot reach their destination. Shops and markets are closed. The day labourers cannot get work. Schools and colleges remain closed. Examinations are stopped. So the examinees cannot participate in their exams.

Hartal makes the most serious blow on our economy. As Bangladesh is a developing country, its economy is greatly damaged by hartal. Business leaders repeatedly ask the political parties to avoid hartal. But it makes no result.

Considering its demerits, the civil society of Bangladesh thinks that we should seek an alternative of hartal.

2. Suppose, you are a reporter of a reputed daily. Now, write a report on frequent traffic jam.

Traffic Jam in Dhaka City

Pritom, March 2016

Over the last few years the transportation problem of Dhaka City has visibly been deteriorating steadily. Citizens constantly complain about the unbearable problem of traffic jam. Traffic jam makes movement difficult or impossible. It is a very common sight in Dhaka City. It generally occurs at the crossing of roads during busy hours of the day. It causes great suffering to the ambulance carrying dying patients and the fire brigade vehicles. It kills our valuable time and hampers our work. But nowadays, it has taken a very terrible shape. It is increasing day by day. The causes of traffic congestion in Dhaka city are multifarious. Starting from the city itself, it is observed that the skeleton, structure and lay-out of Dhaka City are not well-planned and well-directed. Traffic jam can be controlled by adopting some measures. Improved traffic signaling, building spacious roads, foot-over bridges and flyovers, underpasses and public awareness can dispel this curse. It is a matter of joy that the present Govt. has taken some pragmatic steps to solve this problem as soon as possible.

3.Suppose, you are Ayesha, a student of class XI of Nilgonj Govt. Mohila College. The cultural week of your college was observed a few days ago. Now. write a report on it. [B. B. 2017]

The annual cultural week held in Nilgonj Govt. Mohila College .

Cultural reporter: Ayesha, Nilgonj, 10 January, 2016.

A colorful cultural week of Nilganj Govt. Mohila College was hold from 2nd January to 8th January this year at College auditorium.

The students decorated the college compound nicely. A festive look prevailed everywhere in the college. The campus was also decorated with colorful festoons. A committee was formed for observing the week. The Principal, Prof. Liyakat Parvez was the chief patron. The opening programme was inaugurated by the local M.P. During the days of the week, many competitions were held. On the last day, the education minister and the principal gave away the prizes among the winners. After that, a cultural programme was held. The students of xii class staged a drama which pleased the students. Finally the principal delivered a brief speech. 

4. Suppose you are a reporter of the Daily Star. Now prepare a report on a terrible road accident you have come across very recently.

Accident Takes Place on a Highway

Mithapukur, 20 January 2016:

A serious road accident, according to a local source, took place on the highway in Mithapukur thana in front of Padma filling station at 12 am yesterday.

A passenger bus teeming with passengers was rushing towards Bogra. At that time a truck from the opposite direction collided with the bus in full speed. The upper portions of both the vehicles were totally smashed. Five people, including one woman (35) and one child (6) died and four people were injured. Of the dead two could be identified. They were Amina Begum (30) and Hashem Ali (28) both hailing from Rangpur under Mithapukur Thana. The dead bodies were sent to Mithapukur hospital for autopsy and the injured were released after giving first aid.

After the accident, the police of the Mithapukur Thana rushed to spot and sent the dead bodies and the injured to hospital. They also filed a case to Mithapukur Thana station. 

5. Suppose you are a reporter of a renowned newspaper. Now, write, a report on a terrible fire accident in your locality.

Fire Gutted Slum In City

Staff Correspondent, Dhaka, March 22, 2016:

At least one person was killed and three others were injured in a fire that gutted in city’s Bank Colony slum last night.

About two hundred family live in city’s Bank Colony slum. The fire started from a kerosene stove and it rapidly spread to adjacent shanties. The fire burnt at least four people. Among them a girl, Ruma (10) later died as she was seriously injured. The slum dweller have lost their valuables and savings in the fire and now living under the open sky. The fire brigade reached the spot at about one hour later but they could not control the fire quickly as the passage was narrow. However, with the help of the slum-dwellers, they managed to control fire from causing more loss. About fifty shanties and twelve shops have been gutted in the fire.

6. Suppose, you are a reporter of The Daily Star. Now write a report expressing your deep concern over the indiscriminate cutting down of trees.

Deforestation: A Threat to Our Existence

Staff correspondence, Dhaka, Nov,25, 2015: 

Indiscriminate cutting down of trees is leading the country to desertification. In the past it was not as extensive as it is now. With the increase of population trees are being cut indiscriminately with no foreknowledge about what may happen in course of time. At present the seasonal circle has undergone a significant change. Rainfall has become irregular and it is telling upon our agriculture. Besides, many areas have already been affected by drought and consequently scarcity of food is now on the rise. Environment pollution has become a common phenomenon and deforestation has aggravated this situation further, Amir Ali, a farmer of Savar, told the reporter, “People are cutting down trees for making houses and it is producing a bad impact on the climate of the country.”

Government has already taken some measures for planting more trees. But some more measures should be taken in this respect.

7. Suppose, you are a reporter of a national daily. You are assigned to cover a massive fire in a factory. Now, write a report on it. [Ctg. B. 2016, C. B. 2016, Dnj. B. 2017]

Garments factory on fire

Sohel, Dhaka 3 April 2016: 

A garment factory was burnt completely when a terrible fire accident took place at Mahakhali in Dhaka city on 2nd July 2016 at about 2 p.m. At least five persons were killed and several were severely injured.

Eye witnessed said that suddenly they saw fire in the garment factory. Smoke engulfed the entire building. So, the people inside the building could not come out. The fire started from the second floor and gradually it began going up. There were 300 workers in the factory. The Fire Brigade and civil Defense rushed to the spot immediately to extinguish fire. But excessive crowd and narrow roads hampered their activities. Even people from all walks of life joined the rescue operation spontaneously. After working hard for nearly 4 hours the fire fighters could bring it under control. The fire claimed lives of five garments workers. The police took the dead bodies. ‘The injured were admitted into different hospitals and clinics of the city. It is assumed that the fire originated from a short circuit.

However a committee has been formed to investigate the cause of this fire accident. 

8. Suppose you are a reporter of a national daily. Now, prepare a report on the role of the Satellite Channels in our present society.

The Role of the Satellite Channels in our present society

Farjana Islam, 03 April 2014

Satellite television has added a new dimension to TV programming and telecasting. In fact, satellite telecasting appears the whole world live in the box, and entertain us and inform us of all that is happening around the world.

Now, in the present world, with the advancement of communication and technology, people’s tastes and interests have changed a lot. Television wonderfully and very effectively, is satisfying people’s interests and demand for entertainment and information. Television in general and satellite channels in particular air programmes of varied interest that people of all ages and all classes enjoy. Television programmes are not only entertaining; they are highly educative and informative too.

Television and particularly satellite television provides people with round the clock news service and keeps them informed of the latest affairs happening around the globe. Besides giving news, views and information on various issues of the current world, television also shows reports and analysis on trade and commerce, business and industries, economic and financial activities, agriculture and weather, new discoveries and opportunities. So, business world as well as researchers get valuable support from TV. TV channels very often telecast games and sports live. In fact, watching games and sports on TV has become a good source of recreation, and this also helps popularise games and sports.

For every invention, there are some demerits. Television is not free from harms. Televison has great influence on young generation. In fact, many young people are addicted to watching television. It kills their valuable time that ultimately affects their study. Obscene and amoral films, drama or music, vedios can influence young generation to evil doing. Indeed, satellite TV is now being seen as a means of cultural assault on developing countries by western nations.

9. Suppose you are a reporter of the Daily Independent. Now, write a report on the “Rapid Spread of Drug Addiction” among the young people of our country. [D. B. 2016]

Drug Addiction: A Threat for Young Generation

Staff Correspondence, Dhaka, 22 March, 2016:

Drug addiction has grown like mushroom recently. Our correspondent has found out some causes behind this social evil. First one is young people are more curious. So, whatever they see harmful or useful, they are the first to taste. Again, frustration is another cause of taking drugs. When there is no hope left for the young, they become addicted to drugs. It has become a global problem. Thousands of families in cities, towns and even rural areas all over the world are directly or indirectly affected by it. Drugs have terrible effects on human body. It is a slow poison that damages the brain and all internal functions of the body leading ultimately to death. Again, drug addiction gives birth to new crimes. Drugs are very expensive. So, young people involve in crimes to get money for taking drugs. In Bangladesh drug problem has become a national problem. Bangladesh is often used by the drug dealers as transit from one country to another. In these circumstances, all concerned must create awareness both individually and collectively. The highest punishment of dealing in or smuggling drugs is death in Bangladesh. The civil society believes that the law must be enforced immediately. Parents, teachers must give proper teaching so that children can choose the right thing. This curse can be eradicated only when each and every person of a country becomes aware of it.

10. Suppose, you are a reporter of a reputed daily, Now write a report on frequent road accidents.

Frequent Road Accidents

Reporter: Magura, 5th March, 2015.

Road accidents have become very common in our country. We find the news of many road accidents in the dailies. Most of the mishaps take place for careless driving. No one can say that he will reach home without being injured by accident. It seems that all the roads have been made only for the drivers of the automobiles and they are given license to do what they like. The police on duty do not perform their job sincerely. They seem to ignore the fitness of the vehicles.

“Safe Road” is now the demand of the people. We do not want to have anybody lament for his/her dear ones due to road accident. So, the concerned authorities should enforce the traffic rules strictly and give maximum punishment to the reckless drivers. The traffic police on duty should be instructed to be more active.

11. Suppose, you are a reporter of a national daily. You are assigned to cover a book fair at Bangla Academy Premises. Now write a report on it. [S. B. 2017]

Ekushey Boi Mela

Aminul, Dhaka, 10th February 2016:

The Ekushey book fair has started from 1st February. The Bangla Academy has organized the fair in its premises. This year about 50 stalls have been set up by different publishers. There are a huge number of books on various subjects. The main thing about a book fair is not sale but display of books on different subjects by different writers. Specially the new writers want to start their career from a book fair. The fair remains open from 10 am. People of all ages come to visit the fair. Usually the fair becomes crowded in the evening and it becomes flooded on Friday. The writers also visit book fair. The youngstars rushed to the book fair where they can see their favourite writer. They relentlesly persue the writer to give autograph. The writer’s presence inereases the sale of the book. In a book fair there are also some food stalls and tea stalls. The visitors can take rest for a while in the food stalls and can take snacks and tea. But some times these pollute the environment because of mismanagement. In the evening, Bangla Academy arranges some cultural programmes which give extra attraction to the fair. Seminars and symposiums are also held in a book fair. Farmous writers and eminent persons of our country participate in those seminars. Thus a book fair plays a vital role to enlighten a nation.

12. Suppose, you are a reporter of a reputed Daily Star. Now write a report on the rising prices of the essential commodities. [R. B. 2016] 

Price Hike

Sharmin, Dhaka, 15 March 2016

The prices of essential commodities especially rice, groceries, vegetables have already gone up beyond the purchasing capacity of the common people. While visiting different kitchen markets in Dhaka city yesterday it was found that the price of coarse rice was Tk. 45 per kg, and the fine rice Tk. 60 per kg. The prices of all other necessary items have increased manifolds.

If this trend of rising prices cannot be controlled, the people of low income group will not be able to buy their daily necessaries and so they will suffer untold sufferings.

13. Suppose you are a reporter of a daily newspaper. Write a report on “A village fair” you have recently visited. 

A Bridge of Souls

Stuff reporter, Gabtoli, 20th December, 2015:

A village fair is in true sense a bridge of souls. The fair that has sat under the banyan tree of the village Gabloli is throbbing with life. Every year in the last week of December this fair sits by the Karatoa is enriched with tradition and age old heritage. People from the nearby villages come to visit this village with a view to buying and selling goods. It seems the whole area turns into a shrine where people of all religions and caste come and exchange their greetings whole heartedly. Different cultural functions are arranged here. Kamaluddin, a native, has said that this fair is being held from the British regime till today. It is contributing to the development of brotherhood and amity among the people of this area.

But a local has said that this fair is also destroying the moral character of the youth. Gambling and vulgar show are arranged here almost every day. Young people are being addicted to against this evil practice. them. Hence, Farid Uddin, the UP Chairman has said that he is going to take some measures

14. A huge number of students fail in English every year in public examinations despite studying it as a compulsory subject from class I to higher secondary level. Now prepare a report focusing on different causes of their failure in English for a daily newspaper.

English: A Panic for the Students

Staff correspondence, Dhaka, 22Nov,2015:

Failure in English has become a very common scene in our public exams. English is one of the most used languages in the world. In Bangladesh, English is introduced here at the primary level and its inclusion continues till the tertiary level of education. A student has to study English as a compulsory subject for ten years to pass the S.S.C. exam.

But regretfully, after ten years’ schooling of English, most of the students fail in English in the S.S.C. exam and H.S.C. Exam. They cannot write correctly and speak out their feelings and opinions. As a result, they do not learn English at all and reach the target stage. They pass the examination but actually they are unable to use the language. Many people believe that poor curriculum, inefficient teachers and lack of facilities are mostly responsible for the failure in English.

An empirical study of the causes of the secondary students’ failure in learning English is done at present by the education ministry. Schools are visited, and data are collected through questionnaire surveys and interviews of the teachers, students and guardians; data are analysed, and finally presented to reveal the causes of their failure. Now the government is trying to take some measures. It is hoped that the problem will be solved gradually. 

15. Recently a seminar was held in your college on “Causes of students failure in English’. Now write a report on this seminar highlighting the findings and suggestions mentioned in the seminar. [B. B. 2016]

Causes of Students’ Failure in English

Staff Reporter, Dhaka, 14 April, 2016: A day long seminar on “Causes of students failure in English’ was held on 12 April at Tejgaon College, Dhaka. The department of English organised the seminar with the assistance of college authority. Prof. Abdur Rashid, principal of the college was present in the seminar as chief guest. Chaired by Prof. Abdul Mannan, chairman of the department, the event was attened by other respectable faculties. This seminar was designed for the college students so that they can learn why they fail in English. Prof. Abdur Rashid, in his speech as the chief guest said ‘English is a compulsory subject at all levels of our education. Yet many fail in the public examinations. Certainly, there are many causes of students’ failure in English in our country.’ He requested everyone to find out its reasons and their immediate solutions.

Throughout the daylong seminar, participants identified the reasons of failure in English and debated on how the scenario can be changed. A number of policy recommendations were recorded in the proceedings. It included designing the lessons suitably, introducing appropriate method of teaching, motivating the students to learn English etc.

16. Suppose you are a reporter of a national daily. You have recently visited the area affected by the erosion of the Meghna. Now, write a report on the miseries of the people living in 

The Hunger of Meghna the area.

Staff Correspondence, Brahmanbaria, August, 2015:.

Of late, the Meghna has, made thousand of people homeless in three thanas of Brahmanbaria district. The people who are worst affected live in Nabinagar, Bancharampur and Nasirnagar thanas. Cultivable land, houses, educational institutions, mosques and temples in these areas have been washed away by the eroding river rendering thousands of people homeless. To escape the grip of devastating erosion many families have left their homes and shifted to safer places.

As erosion by the river Meghna continues throughout the year miseries of the people does never end. When the rainy season begins it takes a devastating turn. People living near river- banks have to bear the brunt of the erosion. The government has taken up a scheme to protect some of the area from the greedy clutches of the river Meghna.

17. The results of HSC examination of this year have just come out. Now prepare an elaborate report on it for the daily you are working for.

Publication of the Results of HSC Exam

Dhaka, 27 June 2007

The results of the HSC examinations under 8 Education Boards were published yesterday. More than 8,00,000 students appeared in the examination out of which about 6,00,000 came out successful. Total 57789 students in all boards secured GPA 5. The percentage of successful students in Dhaka Board is 84.54%, Comilla Board 70.14%, Rajshahi Board is 78.55%, Jessore Board 60.85 %, Chittagong Board 69.20%, Sylhet Board 71.75%, Barisal Board 74.14. Dinajpur 54.14. Of all the colleges in Dhaka Board, RAJUK Model School and College, Vikarunnessa Noon School and College, Abdul Qader Mollah College, Notre Dame Colleg, Dhaka City College showed best performances. But the results of rural areas are not satisfactory because of shortage of teachers, poverty and other facilities.

18. You are a reporter of a reputed daily. You have interviewed many slum-dwellers about their ways of life. Now write a report on them. [Dnj. B. 2016] Or, Suppose, that you are a reporter of a newspaper. Now, write a report on the life of slum-dwellers in the city.

The Slum Dwellers at Kallayanpur and their way of living

Abir Hossain. Dhaka: 12 April. 2016:

Dhaka city abounds with many slums. These slums are inhabited mostly by the people coming from disaster prone, river eroded and monga affected areas. They contribute to the major work force in the garments, transportation, construction, land development, domestic help, small industries and businesses and waste management sectors. But their way of living is pathetic.

Kallayanpur slum is one among the slums in Dhaka city. There are as many as 300 shanties in this slum. People live here in unhealthy and inhuman conditions and face continuous threat of malnutrition, disease, polluted water, lack of safe water supply and sanitation facilities.

For this reason people always suffer from diarrhoea, cholera and dysentery. At the time of dire necessity they do not have the help of a good physician. Women and children are the worst sufferers in this slum. Many women have to work as maid servants in order to add to their family income. Children of this slum have no future at all. They are growing up like dogs and apes.

A number of initiatives have been launched by the government, non-government and UN agencies to improve the living condition of this class. But it is an unexpected reality that the dwellers of Kallayanpur slum have no access to the initiatives. Now it is being expected that these programmes should include Kallayanpur slum and rehabilitate these dwellers. 

19. Suppose, you are Belal/Rita and you are a reporter of a reputed daily. Now write a report on “Food Adulteration”. [J. B. 2017]

Food Adulteration: A silent killer

Belal, Staff reporter, Dhaka, 21 November, 2015:

Two hundred and fifty prisoners of Dhaka central jail fell seriously sick after taking special dishes served on the occasion of Pahela Baishakh. An investigation team at last found that adulterated food led them to illness. Not only that, the whole country is now in the threat of adulterated food. Vegetables, fish, meat and even liquid milk are now sold with formalin. Toxic chemicals and garments dyes are used in sweetmeats. Mrs. Bilkis Akter, a housewife told the reporter, “I bought fish from a local market and when I cooked it gave out a strange smell. After taking this fish my whole family suffered from stomach ache for two days.” Though food ministry conducts drives every now and then, it is going on in full swing. People complain that the miscreants are not sufficiently punished and so it is on the rise at an alarming rate. But the public is hopeful that the concerned authority must take some effective steps in this regard.

20. Suppose you are a reporter of a daily newspaper. Write a report on a Fire Accident. 

Fire in the Tazreen Fashion factory

Staff correspondent, Dhaka: November 25, 2014:

A deadly fire gutted the Tazreen Fashion factory, a large readymade garments factory at Ashulia, Savar, the outskirts of Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh. At least 117 people were confirmed dead in the fire, and at least 200 were injured. The fire was initially supposed to be caused by an electrical short circuit, but the witnesses suspected that the fire had been arson and an act of “sabotage”.

‘A sudden smoke engulfed the whole building and most of the people inside the building could not come out of the building in spite of their best efforts’, an injured worker of the factory told the reporter.

The Fire Brigade and Civil Defence hurried to the spot for extinguishing fire. Even the people from all walks of life joined the rescue operation spontaneously. After working hard for about 24 hours, the firemen came out successful in extinguishing fire of the factory. The wounded were admitted into different hospitals and clinics of the city. Most of the dead bodies were handed over to the relatives. A few of them marked unidentified handed over to the Anjumane Mofidul Islam for burial. The govt. has formed a 3-member committee for thorough investigation.

21. Suppose, you are a reporter of a daily newspaper. Now, write a report on the recent devastating flood in your area.

Flood in Kurigram

Hasib, Kurigram, 22 Nov, 2014:

Life in Kurigram has become hazardous during the recent flood. Floodwater has washed away some 200 houses, damaged crops of over 10,000 hectares in northern Kurigram district and rendered more than one lakh people marooned. Flood situation continued to worsen as almost all the rivers in the district saw their water levels increase yesterday.

Of the flood-affected northern districts, Rangpur, Lalmonirhat and Nilphamari saw water receding, but people there are now suffering from food and drinking water shortage.

“This is the peak of the flooding season Bangladesh is facing now,” said Amirul Hossain, executive engineer of the Flood Forecasting and Warning Centre (FFWC).

“The trend is likely to continue for the next three to four days,” he told The Daily Star yesterday.

The water of the Jamuna in Bahadurabad and Baghabari of Sirajganj, Sariakandi in Bogra and Dewanganj in Jamalpur was flowing above the danger level, according to FFWC of the Water Development Board (WDB).

22. Suppose, you are Imon, a student of class XII of Dhaka City College, Dhaka. The freshers’ reception function of your college was held with great enthusiasm. Now, write a report on it. 

Freshers’ Reception at Dhaka City College

Matin, Dhaka, 2 July, 2015:

Dhaka City College organized a ‘Freshers’ Reception Programme’ for the new HSC level students in the college auditorium. The programme was divided into two segments. The first segment included the speeches, rules and regulations and introductions of different teachers and organizations. The second segrnent was a cultural programme.

At the outset of the function the students and teachers spoke about the growth and development and many other matters. Then the teachers were introduced. Next all the different organizations were introduced.

Last of all, they staged a drama written by Rabindranath Tagore. The new students enjoyed the programme and vowed to study properly to uphold the image of the college. 

23. Suppose, you are a reporter of a national daily. You are assigned to cover the living condition of garments workers. Now, write a report on it.

The Life of a Garment Worker

Staff Reporter, Dhaka, Nov. 26, 2015:

An ordinary garment worker in our country a leads very laborious life. Her day starts very early in the morning and ends at about for 10 p.m. She starts for her working place at about 7 a.m. Generally she walks to her factory along with other girls working there. Sometimes she has to get on a crowded public bus to reach her factory. On the way to her destination she is infected with slang words from various corners. She becomes the object of other’s pity. In the factory she is not in a congenial atmosphere. She works in congested rooms. She has no seat to sit upon. Sometimes she works whole day resting on her feet. She eats the poor lunch with her colleagues in the factory. She works in the factory for long hours till deep at night. Long hours of work makes her sick often. Though she works hard for long hours of the day, she has to go to an uncertain future. As tradition goes on, she will get married with a fellow worker and try to continue her poor life.

24. Suppose, you are a reporter of a Television Channel. Now, write a report on the reception awarded to GPA-5 holders in your college.

GIPA- 5 Holders Awarded

Hasib, Dhaka, 29 August, 2015:

The award-winning ceremony of the meritorious students of Dhaka City College for their outstanding performance in the H.S.C. examinations in the year of 2015 was held yesterday in the College Auditorium. The honourable Education Minister Nurul Islam Nahid was present as the Chief Guest while the Chairman of the Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board of Dhaka was the Special Guest. It was a very happy occasion. The college campus was decorated with flags and colorful festoons. A large stage was erected and there the guests and the principal of the college took their seats. All the students, guardians, teachers and invited guests attended the function.

With the arrival of the chief guest, the programme started with the recitation from the Holy the Principal’s Address which was followed by a special feature to celebrate the performance of the meritorious students of Dhaka City College. Before the award giving stared, the senior students staged a one-act play called ‘Itihas Kotha Kou’. The talented students were rewarded by the chief guest and the principal gave away all the other prizes among the other winners. The chief guest delivered an instructive and didactic speech. The programme ended with thanks given by the principal.

25. Write a report on water logging in Dhaka city.

Logging Unplanned Drains Lead to Water 

Amin Chowdhury, Dhaka, 21August, 2015:

Prolonged rain for not more than one hour is sufficient enough to overflow the roads and streets of the lower areas of the city. Water is logged with dirty dwellers cannot move let alone the vehicles. Dirty and stinky water causes skin diseases and many other water borne diseases. Water which is logged on the roads does riot move easily and rapidly. Most of the canals and drains have been captured by the land grabbers. For the lack of sufficient care and preservation of these canals and drains sufferings of the city dwellers have reached the zenith. Prof. Kamal Ahmed, a prominent environmentalist has said if an immediate step is not taken, very soon the city will face a disaster.

HSC | English 2nd Paper | Most Common Report Writing 1-30
English 2nd Paper Most Common Report Writing

26. Write a report on workshop on creating awareness to control environment pollution.


Staff reporter, Dhaka, 21 March, 2016:

The level of environment pollution has reached alarmingly high, and unless co-ordinated measures are taken soon the country will face unprecedented losses and disasters. So checking environmental pollution should be the number one agenda for all development programmes, and raising awareness from grass root level can save environment from falling into ruin-speakers said in a workshop that began in the city yesterday arranged by Bangladesh Environmentalist Lawyers Association (BELA) yesterday.

Speakers also called government to amend and enforce existing various environmental protection laws and punish the law breakers severely. Environment pollution affects GDP growth by 2% and hampers poverty reduction programmes drastically. Speakers disclosed in a study paper on the workshop.

They demanded the govt. to involve NGOs and social organizations and use mass media to raise awareness about environmental pollution and its dangers. The workship will continue for two days.

Some 20 organisations and 15 NGOs have attended the workshop. The workshop will present a strategic paper on “Environment pollution and we” on final day.

27. Suppose, the annual sports of your college was held recently. You are a reporter of a daily. Now, write a report on it.

Annual Sports of a Munshiganj Haraganga College 

Munshiganj, 10 January 2016,

The Annual sports of Munshiganj Haraganga College was held on yesterday in the college playground amidst rejoicing and merry-making. The sports Meet started at 10.00 a.m. with the running of the Olympic torch/flame by a student of class xi. This was followed by the hoisting of the National flag and the flying of the pigeons-symbol of peace. The actual sport opened after when the principal of the college declared the sports meet opened. There were about fifteen sports events such as 100 metre sprint, 400 metre sprint, 800 metre race, javelin throw, discus throw, high jump, hop-step and jump, pole vault, hurdle race etc. About two hundred students participated in all events. The D.C. was the chief guests. After the over of all the events he distributed the trophies among the successful competitors. The function came to an end with a vote of thanks of the chief guests and other guests.

28. Suppose, you are a reporter of a national daily. Land grabbing in Dhaka city has increased alarmingly. Write a report on it.

Grabbing of Land

Afsana Islam, Dhaka, August, 21:

Of twenty two canals and thirty four lakes in the city, only nine canals and fourteen lakes now I have encroached them all and built huge installments. Thus they have changed city’s exist. Real Estate groups and various private organisation as well as some influential persons landscape and posed dangers and miseries for the city dwellers during rainy season. 

Illegal concrete structures have been built by occupying many wetlands and lowlying though they are protected by law. But these grabbers show their thumbs to law and by bribing the corrupt officials of Rajuk, managed to occupy them for years.

City planners and urban experts have expressed their concern over illegal structures by and lakes are dying slowly as grabbing is increasing more rapidlybe grabbing wetlands and low-lying lands but things go on unchanged. The remaining canals and lakes are dying slowly as grabbing is increasing more rapidly.

When contacted, land commissioner of Dhaka Zilla said we are preparing a list of land grabbers and then will submit it to the higher authority for proper action.” Govt is expected to take steps to recover the grabbed lands soon, he added.



29. Suppose, you are Abir Hasan, a reporter of a reputed daily. Recently a launch has sunk into a river of your locality. Now, write a report on it.

A Launch sinking had taken away the lives of many

17 May 2014, Abir Hasan

The death toll from yesterday’s Munshiganj launch capsize climbed to 28 as rescuers recovered 11 more bodies from Meghna river this morning. The double-decker MV Miraj-4 heading for Shariatpur from Dhaka sank in the Meghna in Munshiganj with over 200 people on board around 3:30pm yesterday at Doulatpur in Gazaria Upazila during a storm.

 Amid the on-going search operation, rescuers could recover 17 bodies till last night whereas over 100 more are feared missing. Officials of the administration and fire service, quoting locals, said 40-50 passengers had made it to shore alive. Most of them swam ashore with injuries, the correspondent reports. Locals started rescue operations immediately after the accident and divers of fire service and civil defence and Bangladesh Coast Guard joined in later on.

Meanwhile, hundreds of people including family members of victims and missing passengers crowded the shore near the accident spot. The air was heavy with the wailing of survivors who had lost their loved ones. Some were hoping and praying that their loved ones had survived by a miracle. The traumatized, bewildered and angry survivors blamed the captain and over- loading of the vessel for the accident.

30. Suppose, you are a reporter of a daily newspaper. Write a report for your newspaper on “Load shedding”.

Failure Of Electricity

Alam, Khulna: 2 December 2014:

The inhabitants of Mohammadpur area have been suffering from load-shedding for a long time. About thirty thousand people live in this locality. The failure of electricity is now common. It makes conditions in offices and factories unfit for work. It tells upon the studies of the students and badly affects the productivity of the mills and factories. Besides, it leaves the dark area to the miscreants to do all kinds of anti-social activities. Hooliganism has become a common affair in this locality. The examinees suffer more. The local people have already drawn the attention of the authority but no remarkable improvement is found yet.

It is high time the authorities concerned took effective steps so that the citizens might get rid of the troubles as early as possible.

31. Suppose, you are a reporter of a daily newspaper. Now, write a report on the robbery of a jwellery shop.

Robbery of a Jwellery Shop

Staff Reporter, Chittagong, 10 August 2014:

A robbery took place last night at city’s Nahar Plaza at about 4 am. The robbers took away jwellery worth about 5 lakh with them.

Anwar Hossain, owner of the shop said that he found the lock broken and the cash and showcases ransacked when he opened the shop next morning. He could not confirm how and exactly when the robbery took place. However, a case has been filed in this regard against an unidentified number of persons. Police has arrested two night guards for interrogation who were on duty on that night. But no clues have yet been found, sources said. 

32. Write a report on an incident of eve teasing.

 Eve Teasing: A Social Curse 

Staff reporter, Dhaka, 23rd Dec, 2014:

Of late eve teasing has become a very common topic of our newspapers. In comparison to the past record the present situation is alarming. In 2010 about 65% of the school going girls becomes the victim and eve teasing is increase 43% in 2011. From the statistical data from 2011 shows that almost 50 girls were committed suicide and 13000 women’s teasing case was reported yet. Most of the others ignored this or didn’t want to report this because of fear factor and not to be a part of social “gossip”. A 50 years aged mother was killed while she protested against the bullying of her daughter. A college teacher was also died for speaking out against the eve teasing, Simi of Charukola, Fahima of Mirpur, and many other girl-students, workers and slum dwellers- were sufferers from eve teasing.

Eve teasing is increasing in very alarming rate in our country. We need to take a necessary step to prevent eve teasing from the root. We need to focus the prevention of eve teasing from. the family. If we can make the people more aware about it, if we can make the people believe that eve teasing is a social crime, this rate can go down.

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