HSC | English 2nd Paper | Most Common Composition Writing 36-40

HSC | English 2nd Paper | Most Common Composition Writing 36-40 : I will discuss the important Composition Writing in HSC exam from English 2nd paper.
36. My First Day At College
Or, The Most Memorable Day of My Life
[R. B. 2009, Ctg. B. 2010, B. B. 2012, Ctg. B. 2012, C. B. 2013, R.B. 2013, J. B. 2013,S.B. 2014]
All the days of our life are not equally important and memorable. Only a few of these days occupy a corner in our heart. My first day at college is such a day. I shall never forget this day. From my school days I heard a lot about college life from my college going elder brothers and sisters. I formed a very romantic impression of a college life. So, I was eagerly waiting for that happy and romantic college life.
At last the cherished day came. It was the 26th of October 1992. My joys knew no bounds. I put on my new dress and started for Govt. B.L. College at 9 A.M. I was charmed to see the attractive and beautiful college building. I understood that the college life opened before me a new vision of life and I must go forward.
The whole college campus was crowded by lots of young pupils both male and female. They were all unknown to me. I felt very lonely. I was moving here and there. I was in a fix where to go. At last I met one of my school friends. I was relieved. We exchanged greetings. We went to the notice board of the college and wrote down class routine. There were many new comers. They were also taking the routine. I found that the classes are not held in a particular room. I will have to change my class room. From the routine I also learnt that there were intervals.
When the bell for the first period rang, we entered the room number 223. I found many students English. All the students stood up to show him respect. He called over the rolls. He spoke to us very sitting. After a while, a well dresed, handsome gentleman entered the class. He was a professor of softly in simple and clear English. I liked his speech very much. His speech was meaningful. I listened to him with undivided attention.
Classes on Bengali and other subjects were held. All the teachers were highly qualified. They were very polite and friendly. The professor of Bengali delivered his speech in a polite way. He cut some jokes and made us laugh. Now I can realize that a college teacher is different from a school teacher. During off period I went to the college common room, I was glad to see the college common room.
It A was well furnished. There were Newspapers, Magazines and Journals. There were also carroms, table tennis sets and chess boards etc. I found some students playing and some reading newspapers, magazines and journals. The colllege Assembly Hall was very attractive. It was well decorated and spacious. Meetings debates and other social functions of the college are held here.
I visited the science laboratories. It also gave me much joy and pleasure. There were many unknown and great things of the world. I found the science busy with their practical classes and experiments. I went to the college botanical garden. Biology Laboratory with frogs, rats, plants and flowers delighted me much.
Another attraction for me at my first day at college was the college library I found thousands of books arranged in shelves and almirahs. I had never seen so many books before. My heart danced with joy.
I was also charmed to see the beautiful college mosque. There was a big pond before the mosque. The college tample for the Hindus that stands beside the river Bhairb presents a great scene. The college gymnasium is also worth mentioning. After the end of the class hours I went to the play ground.
I took part in football with some of my new friends. My first day at college is the most memorable day. My college life opened before me a world of responsibilities. It was a day of discovery of my ownself indeed.

37. A Journey By Train
[S. B. 2009, C. B. 2012, Ctg. B. 2012, Dnj. B. 2014]
Today man is very busy in money making. He does not find a moment to spend, to see and enjoy the sights and beauties of nature. Life becomes dull and baren for want of recreation. We should manage time to get relief from routine bound life and monotonous work. A journey by train can serve this purpose to some extent.
Journey is always a pleasure to me. Whenever I go on a journey, my heart leaps up with joy. But my greatest pleasure is in a journey by train. A journey by plane is costly. A journey by bus is risky and uncomfortable. But a journey by train is pleasant, safe and comfortable.
In the autumn vacation I got sufficient time. So I made up my mind to make a journey by train from Khulna to Rajshahi. I reached the station about half an hour before the departure of the train. It was then a very busy time. Rickshaws, motor cars and other vehicles were coming to the station with passengers. Coolies were running behind them.
There were the shouts and rushness of the passengers and the coolies. After sometime shrill whistle was heard. This stirred the passengers. The passengers stood in a queue before the ticket counter. I also stood in the line and bought a second class ticket.
The right time came and the guard whistled and waved his flag. Everybody tried to get into the train first. After much difficulty I got into a second class compartment. The compartment was full to its capacity.
The train left the station. I heaved a sigh of relief. A gentle breeze cooled the compartment. Gradually the speed of the train increased. It left behind stations, green fields and bridges. I looked outside and found the beauty of nature. The train was running through green paddy fields. There were jute and sugarcane plants here and there.
They were tossing their heads in the breeze. The compartment presented a good scene. Some of the passengers were talking on various matters. Some were reading news papers and magazines. Hawkers came up to us with their goods for sale. The train was a mail train. It touched only at the big stations. All the stations presented the same scene. Passengers were getting down and again some were getting into the train. The hawkers and the coolies were shouting. They were busy too. The majesty of the setting sun can best be seen from a train.
Herds of cattle were returning to their sheds. Birds were returning to their nests. The shades of evening began to spread over the earth. All these things charmed me much. At last the train reached the Rajshahi Station at 10 p.m. I got down. The journey in my heart I bore. It gave me much pleasure. Indeed it was one of the most memorable days in my life.
38. A Journey By Boat
Today man is very much preoccupied. He does not find a moment to spend to see and enjoy the sights and beauties of nature. Life has become dull, machanised and barren for want of recreation. We should manage time to get relief from routine bound life and monotonous work and a journey by boat can serve this purpose to some extent.
Journey is always a pleasure to me. Whenever I go on a journey, my heart leaps up with joy. But my greatest pleasure is in a journey by boat.
Bangladesh is a land of rivers. So it is easy to make a journey by boat. A journey by boat is interesting and pleasant. Whenever I get an opportunity to make a journey by boat, I make the best use of the opportunity.
A few days ago, I made a journey by boat from Mongla to Paikgacha. Our school was closed on the occasion of autumn vacation. We were four in number. All of us were of the same age. We hired a boat the previous day. It was a big boat. The boatman and the oarsemen were very nice people. We had our breakfast early in the morning. We started at 8 a.m. It was a bright sunny morning.
The sky was clear and the weathr was fine. The river was calm. It was full to the brim. The rays of the morning sun fell on the river and the water looked like pearls. Our boatman rowed for a while and then set sail. The boat began to move smoothy. There were small waves on the river. Every wave that dashed against our boat increased our thrill and joy. The small waves also made murmuring sounds. We enjoyed the scenes on both sides of the river.
There were green fields, villages, far off paddly fields and jute field, rows of trees which were full of flowers and fruits and all these things charmed our eyes. My other friends were also very happy. They were singing. We saw many boys and girls bathing and swimming in the river. Fishermen were catching fish. Women were seen fetching water in pitchers.. We saw boats plying through the river. Birds of various kinds were flying. All these sights cast a magic spell on our minds.
We cooked our lunch. We reached a market at 12 O’clock. The boatman cast anchor. We got down. We bought rice, egg, a big hilsha fish and sweets. The boatman gave us an oven and fuel. We cooked the food ourselves. We took our meal. The boatman took rest for a while. Then they raised Again we started our journey. The boatmen tried to reach the destination before sun set. It was late afternoon.
The sun was setting. At the distant horizon the sun and the water seem to meet together. The shades of evening began to spread over the earth. The stars rose in the sky one after another. We enjoyed the sunset. The boat moved slowly and we reached our destination. It was dark all The journey in my heart I bore. It gave me much pleasure. It was one of the most memorable days in 11 39. A Journey By Bus around. The journey in my heart I bore. It gave me much pleasure. It was on of the most memorable days in my life indeed.
39. A Journey By Bus
Journey is always a pleasure to me. Whenever I go on a journey, my heart leaps up with joy. Soon I opportunity to make a journey by bus. My friend Sohel serves in Khulna. He invited me to pay a visit to Khulna. I accepted the invitation gladly.
On the 5th September I got upon Dhaka-Khulna coach at Gabtali bus stand. I procured a ticket the day before. The bus was to start at 7. a. m. So I reached Gabtali bus stand at 6 a.m. The seats of the coach were comfortable. Luckily I had seat by the window. It was a sunny morning. The bus left at 7 a.m.
The bus started running at a good speed and soon we were far from the din and bustle of the city. Our bus was passing the road Savar. We enjoyed beautiful green fields, orchards, and trees on the both side of the highway. I also enjoyed the beautiful campus of the Jahangir Nagar University, the Savar Diary Firm and Savar Cantonment. The bus was moving ahead leaving behind the trees, houses and small shops on either sides of the road. It was really very delightful to see the green beauties of nature.
An interesting part of the journey was crossing the mighty river, the Padma by ferry. We reached Aricha within an hour and a half. The driver told us to get down from the bus. When I got down from the bus and got on the ferry, I felt a good relief and saw the boats, launches, barges plying on the placid water of the mighty Padma.
At the ferry ghat there were some hawkers and vendors, selling fruits, chanchur, muri, betal leaf and cigarette. Some passangers bought muri and chanchur. Crossing the river by ferry in the gentle breeze was very pleasant.Our bus reached Daulatdia Ghat. Again I took my seat. The bus started to run at a high speed. We crossed Rajbari and Faridpur on the way.
We also crossed Magura and Jhenaida on the way and reached Jessore town at about 2 p.m. I enjoyed the natural beautiful scenery on the either sides of the high way. When our bus stopped at Jessore, some passengers got down. Our bus reached Khulna at 3.30 p.m. Sohel received me at the bus stand. The journey gave me much pleasure. It was one of the most memorable days in my life, I bore the journey in my heart.
- HSC | English 2nd Paper | Important Composition Writing 11-15
- HSC | English 2nd Paper | Important Composition Writing 16-20
40. Childhood Memoriesy
[Dnj. B. 2009, C.B: 2012, S.B. 2012, Ctg. B. 2012, C. B. 2016]
The memories of my childhood haunt me like a passion. Man is fond of turning back from the present to the past again and again. Nothing is more pleasant W Whenever I am sick of the present, I try to get relief in the past days of my childhood. A man can not remember everything that happened in his childhood. But certain events are stored in the sub- conscious mind. They sometime peep through minds eye.
My playground was the bank of the mighty Teesta. In all the seasons this river had great attraction for me. Whenever I was not at home, I could be found on its bank. There would be other children also with me. We used to row on the river, jump into it and swim in it. I often saw the Teesta in fury too.
On one occasion when we were playing on its bank, suddenly patches of clouds made their appearance in the sky and a strong wind began to blow. My companions ran away in fear, but I did not. The storm made my heart dance with the surging waves of the river. The river swelled up and I was very fond of stealing mangoes, liches, black berries and other fruits in the company of friends dashed violently against its sandy banks. I shall never forget the scene in my life.
I was very fond of stealing mangoes, Liches, Black berris and other fruits in the company of friends in summer. Sometimes we would forget to eat our midday meals.The village maktab was another interesting place. An old Maulovi Shaheb used to teach us there. It was housed in a small hut attached to the village mosque.
A large number of boys and girls used to attend. We would learn lesson with deafening noise, but our old teacher did never threaten us. He was, infact, too old to do so. Though we did not fear him, we surely love him.
The next worth mentioning experience was my first day at school. When I entered the compound with my father, the children were enjoying themselves here and there. My mind was troubled with fear that I might not be quite free and easy in their midst. My heart began to beat fast when I was taken to the Headmaster but his smiling face and gentle words put me at ease. I was admitted into class I. The warmth with which my classmates received me dispelled all my fears.
Another interesting memory is the village hat. The hat used to sit twice a weak near a river. I usually went there with some other children. The hat seemed to me to be a wonderful place.It was one of the biggest hats in the locality. We used to take with us our little fund of a few Paisa and buy sweets from the vendors. After spending a few hours there, we would come back after night-fall.
There was a bush near our house. Hundreds of birds made their nests in that bush. Sometimes I went there with other boys. Some adventurous boys caught small birds from the holes of the tree.During holidays when my mother went to sleep at noon, We went to the railway line. There I together with other children gathered pebbles. We watched how the trains passed with innumerable unknown facts.
My father got an appointment in a town school and he moved to the town immediately with all the members of the family. I was admitted into my father’s school. I felt that my school-fellows did not love me. They had no bothering feeling for one another as we had in the village. There was no freedom, no joy as we had in the village.
I was sorry to be in the town. But there was no help. However I have gradually adjusted myself to town life. I have now new friends and companions and am more or less happy. But my heart aches for the happy childhood days. Childhood is free from worries and has infinite capacity for enjoyment.
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- HSC | English 2nd Paper | Most Common Composition Writing 26-30
- HSC | English 2nd Paper | Most Common Composition Writing 31-35
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